English Translation:
Rev. Father Francesco,
I joyfully respond to your Lenten proposal to support our mission in Kutaisi. Thank you for this kind and fraternal thought.
I would like to propose one of our communities among the six we serve within a 130 km radius, which we travel weekly. It is the community of AkhalSceni, located 25 km from Kutaisi. This village was once entirely composed of Catholics who had migrated from southern Georgia for work, particularly in the tea plantations, where prisoners of the regime worked, and the local inhabitants served as their overseers. After the fall of communism, tea production ceased, the supply chain to all of Russia was disrupted, the prisoners returned to their homes, and many people were left without jobs, continuing instead with agricultural work.
The village now consists of 70 families, many of which have decreased in number due to migration to other cities in Georgia or even to other countries (Italy, Germany, Greece, Turkey, the United States). With their own hands and our assistance, they built a beautiful church. Today, the elderly and young families remain. For them, we have opened a kindergarten, currently attended by 14 children. The building belongs to the parish—not new, but functional for both school and parish activities. It already has a heating system, provided through another project, allowing the children to stay warm during the cold winter, and parents can leave them there with peace of mind.
With your help, we would like to make the kindergarten more functional and hygienic, especially considering the potential increase in students from a nearby village that lacks a proper school. We want to enhance its appearance with an exterior repainting and equip it with new outdoor play structures so that children are drawn to it not only by the quality of education but also by an inviting environment. Attendance at kindergarten is becoming mandatory before moving on to elementary school.
Additionally, we need to upgrade the facilities and external pipelines, connecting them to a proper drainage system, as the village lacks a real sewage network. This work would allow the school to provide education and set an example of modernity and environmental responsibility. This is especially important for the younger generations, who, by growing up in such an environment, can learn to appreciate these opportunities.
This project will cost €2,000, covering pipes, a septic tank, excavation machinery, and labor. The repainting and renewal of the playground will cost €4,000. If it is not too much to ask, the total needed would be €6,000.
Attached are photos of AkhalSceni, its church, and the kindergarten. These institutions are deeply interconnected—school and church complement each other. In fact, the village itself would not exist without them, as they serve as continuous pillars for personal and community growth from early life and throughout one's journey.
I am grateful for the opportunity to share this small yet significant reality, where relationships, exchanges, dreams, education, interests, and concerns all intertwine—everything that shapes both individual lives and a Christian community. We wish to place this support under the sign of Hope in this Holy Year we are celebrating.
Thank you for your attention and generosity. I look forward to your response. Let us continue to pray for our beloved Georgia and Canada!
Sr. Anna Maria Crivellari