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St. Anthony is an Italian National parish and then to be able to be baptized here in this church:
You must be a registered parishioner;
Or you have to be Italian background but we will need written permission from your parish(where you are living). As not parishioners, the parish is asking you a fee to support this parish between 100 and 150;
The most important thing is that you must be assured that there is a FOUNDED HOPE that the child you baptize will in fact be raised in the Catholic church.
*You must COMPLETE the BAPTISM INFORMATION Page (please see below) and send it via email to the pastor fcucchi@hamiltondiocese.com

The mystery of the Eucharist summarizes the whole mystery of our redemption.
The Holy Eucharist is a true sacrament, instituted by Christ. Christ is really present in the Holy Eucharist, even when not being received. It is, therefore, to be honoured and adored.

The sacrament of confirmation completes the sacrament of baptism. If baptism is the sacrament of re-birth to a new and supernatural life, confirmation is the sacrament of maturity and coming of age.
Confirmation, in the power of the Holy Spirit, leads to a firm profession of faith.

Dear Future Bride and Groom,
I love to speak and meet with you directly, not with your parents or wedding planner.
I know you are very busy with your everyday life, and with your wedding plans but I would like you to be aware of a few points to keep everything going smoothly:
You need to be a parishioner or of Italian background who attends mass on a regular basis. (Note: If you are not a parishioner, then it is necessary to ask for a letter from your present pastor (pastor of the bride).
You must send an email to notify me the day of your wedding at least 6 months in advance fcucchi@hamiltondiocese.com
If you decide to be confirmed in the Catholic Church it is necessary to follow these procedures:
- you need a baptismal certificate (not older than 6 months)
- you need to book an appointment with the pastor (Fr. Francesco’s meeting will be 15 to 30 minutes.)
You must attend a marriage preparation course by making an appointment with either the Diocese Chancery Office (905-528-7988) or St. Francis Xavier Parish (905-544-3327).
According to Cannon Law you need to have an interview and a second meeting with the Pastor.
Only six weeks before your wedding you can inquire for the marriage licence.
The final meeting with the Pastor will be preparation of the liturgy and booking a rehearsal day.
Fee to pay for the Ceremony:
Wedding Fee - $500
Priest Fee - $300
3 altar servants ($20 each =total of $60 dollars)
We have our organist named Serena Bilich who is presently the organist at the Church, but we also have many choices of instruments that can be requested.
Please phone Tania Morales 905-929-0332 or Serena Bilich Ramos 289-244-6462 and the fee will be determined by the instrument(s) of your choice.
Yours in Christ,
Father Francesco Cucchi

As to Penance. If the Church is to fulfill in its entirely her task of saving mankind she needs the power to forgive sins. It is a power essentially different from her mission to preach the Gospel and baptize.
This forgiveness of sins is a true sacrament instituted by Christ.
Confession Times: Tuesday's, Wednesday's & Thursday's - 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Friday's 6 pm - 7 pm